EHA18 EHA Advocacy Session: Panel discussion
EHA Library, Faculty / Presenters, 33390
The Policy Challenges of Personalized Medicine: The Patients? Perspective
EHA Library, Jan Geissler, 31717
Hematologic Breakthroughs in Personalized Medicine
EHA Library, Anton Hagenbeek, 31715
What we do in the EU
EHA Library, Ulrich Jäger, 31714
The association of mutations in RUNX1 and CSF3R with the development of leukemia in severe congenital neutropenia: a new pathway in leukemogenesis
EHA Library, Karl Welte, 32165
Iron deficient anemia involves reconfiguration of Erythropoietic program orchestrated by Heme receptor Bach1
EHA Library, Masahiro Kobayashi, 31701
Jak-stat pathway in malignant and non-malignant cells contributes to MPN pathogenesis and therapeutic response
EHA Library, Maria Kleppe, 31700
Obinutuzumab (ga101) or Rituximab (r) + Chlorambucil (CLB) versus CLB alone in patients with CLL and pre-existing medical conditions (comorbidities)
EHA Library, Valentin Goede, 31699
Genetic basis of myeloid leukemogenesis in Down syndrome
EHA Library, Kenichi Yoshida, 31698
Combined haploinsufficiency of Syncrip/Hnrnp-Q and Snhg5/Snornas in deletion 6q promotes T-Cell acute leukemogenesis
EHA Library, Tiama El Chaar, 31697
EHA18 Jean Bernard Lifetime Achievement Award
EHA Library, Tiziano Barbui, 31696
EHA18 Jean Bernard Lifetime Achievement Award: Introduction
EHA Library, Ulrich Jäger, 31694
EHA18 EHA-ASH Joint Symposium: Panel discussion
EHA Library, Faculty / Presenters, 33358
Delivering Health Care in Times of Economic Crises - Panelist Positive Voice
EHA Library, Nikos Dedes, 31707
Delivering health care in the times of economic crises
EHA Library, Laurent Degos, 31706
Delivering Health Care in Times of Economic Crises
EHA Library, Peter Clark, 31705
EHA18 EHA-ASH Joint Symposium: Introduction
EHA Library, Janis Abkowitz, 31704
EHA18 EHA-ASH Joint Symposium - Opening Ceremony: President's Speech
EHA Library, Ulrich Jäger, 31703
Natural killer cells: From biology to clinical use
EHA Library, Hans-Gustaf Ljunggren, 31686
Telomeres, genetics and hematologic diseases: Potential impact on clinical course and treatment
EHA Library, Neal Young, 31685
Patient Advocacy Session: Conclusion
EHA Library, Eric Low, 31718
MDS and its niche: Concepts, progress and challenges
EHA Library, Ulrich Jäger, 31692
Overcoming ethical issues in biobanking: Patient consent and commercial use of tissue
EHA Library, Doris Schmitt, 31723
Not just paper: Turning improved informed consent into an opportunity in clinical trials
EHA Library, Deborah Mascalzoni, 31722
Personalized medicine: more personal or more alone?
EHA Library, Judy Dewinter, 31721
Educating Patients as qualified partners in hematology research
EHA Library, Jan Geissler, 31720
Patients as leaders and partners in beating rarer cancers
EHA Library, Simon Denegri, 31719
The biology of T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia
EHA Library, Jan Cools, 31614
Pathogenesis of bone marrow failure and leukemia progression in Fanconi anemia
EHA Library, Jean Soulier, 31630
The challenges of incoporating novel biomarkers in ALL
EHA Library, Monique den Boer, 31615
The Biology of Myeloproliferative Neoplasms
EHA Library, Anthony Green, 31658
Management of Myelofibrosis
EHA Library, Francisco Cervantes, 31660
Novel treatment approaches for ALL in childhood and adolescence
EHA Library, Martin Schrappe, 31616
PML/RARA as the master driver of acute promyelocytic leukemia pathogenesis and basis for therapy response
EHA Library, Hugues de Thé, 31622
Management of Special Situations in Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia
EHA Library, Miguel Sanz, 31623
The Evolving Role of Stem Cell Transplantation in Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia
EHA Library, Francesco Lo Coco, 31624
Genetics of inherited platelet disorders
EHA Library, Alan Nurden, 31626
Inhibitor development in mild hemophilia A
EHA Library, Karin Fijnvandraat, 31627
Immune Tolerance Induction: Current Status
EHA Library, Charlie Hay, 31628
Diamond-Blackfan anemia: Pathogenesis, management and development of future therapies
EHA Library, Stefan Karlsson, 31631
Optimizing Hematopoetic Stem Cell Transplantation for Bone Marrow Failure Syndromes
EHA Library, Jakob R Passweg, 31632
Molecular pathology of DLBCL
EHA Library, Andreas Rosenwald, 31642
Classic and novel prognostic factors and their impact on therapeutic decisions
EHA Library, Michael Pfreundschuh, 31643
Beyond R-CHOP Treatment of Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma
EHA Library, Wyndham Wilson, 31644
Treatment of Relapsed and Refractory Multiple Myeloma
EHA Library, Sagar Lonial, 31651
Biochemistry of red cell aging in vivo and storage lesions
EHA Library, Angelo D'Alessandro, 31678
The impact of storage on the red cell physiology, function, and survival in vivo
EHA Library, Rick Bezemer, 31679
Do clinical studies really support a deleterious role of stored RBC transfusions?
EHA Library, Harvey Klein, 31680
HIV-associated lymphomas in the HAART era
EHA Library, Silvia Montoto, 31682
Allogeneic stem cell transplant in MM patients
EHA Library, Henk Lokhorst, 31652
Recent advance in molecular genetics of MDS as revealed by massively parallel sequencing
EHA Library, Seishi Ogawa, 31654
Optimal duration of venous thrombosis treatment
EHA Library, Sabine Eichinger, 31676
Late Effects of Hodgkin Lymphoma Treatment: Implications for Management of Contemporary Patients
EHA Library, Simonetta Viviani, 31648
The integration of FDG PET/CT imaging in the management of Hodgkin Lymphoma
EHA Library, Andrea Gallamini, 31647
Evolution of thrombophilia testing
EHA Library, Saskia Middeldorp, 31675
Down-regulation of the clotting cascade
EHA Library, Laurent Mosnier, 31674
Immune impairment and infection predisposition in GVHD
EHA Library, Per Ljungman, 31672
Deciding to continue or discontinue therapy in CML
EHA Library, François-Xavier Mahon, 31640
Molecular monitoring of CML patients
EHA Library, Martin Mueller, 31639
Recent advances in understanding CML biology
EHA Library, Michael W Deininger, 31638
Do we need novel prognostic markers?
EHA Library, David Oscier, 31635
Immune signaling in CLL
EHA Library, Freda Stevenson, 31634
Markers to predict relapse of acute myeloid leukemia
EHA Library, Konstanze DÖHNER, 31671
Gastrointestinal graft versus host disease: from biomarkers to pathophysiology
EHA Library, James Ferrara, 31670
Diagnosis and biomarkers in MDS
EHA Library, Eva Hellström- Lindberg, 31655
EHA18 Education Session 'Stem cell transplantation': Chair comments
EHA Library, Jane APPERLEY, 31669
How to optimize the treatment of sickle cell disease (SCD) in children?
EHA Library, Mariane de Montalembert, 31668
Alpha-thalassemia syndromes: From Clinical and Molecular Diagnosis to Bedside Management
EHA Library, Vip Viprakasit, 31667
Molecular control of hemoglobin switching
EHA Library, Sjaak Philipsen, 31666
Novel drugs for childhood hematological malignancies and the challenges of clinical trials
EHA Library, James Whitlock, 31664
Immunotherapy in pediatric hemato-oncology
EHA Library, Peter Bader, 31663
AML in older patients: Conventional and new therapies
EHA Library, Sergio Amadori, 31620
Genetics guided therapeutic approaches in AML
EHA Library, L Bullinger, 31619
Subclonal architecture in AML
EHA Library, John Welch, 31618
Pharmacogenomics of childhood leukemias
EHA Library, Kjeld Schmiegelow, 31662
Risk adapted treatment of MDS
EHA Library, Guillermo Sanz, 31656
Novel treatment approaches for acute lymphoblastic
EHA Library, Martin Schrappe, 97239
Acute myeloid leukemia in older patients - conventional and new therapies
EHA Library, Sergio Amadori, 97242
Genetics of inherited disorders of platelets
EHA Library, Alan Nurden, 97248
Diamond-Blackfan anemia
EHA Library, Stefan Karlsson, 97251
Do we need novel prognostic markers
EHA Library, David Oscier, 97254
Deciding to continue or discontinue therapy in chronic myeloid leukemia
EHA Library, François-Xavier Mahon, 97257
Beyond R-CHOP treatment of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
EHA Library, Wyndham Wilson, 97260
Biology and diagnosis of Hodgkin's lymphoma
EHA Library, Martin-Leo Hansmann, 97264
Allogeneic stem cell transplantation in multiple myeloma patients
EHA Library, Henk Lokhorst, 97267
Diagnosis and biomarkers in myelodysplastic syndromes
EHA Library, Eva Hellström- Lindberg, 97270
Management of myelofibrosis
EHA Library, Francisco Cervantes, 97273
Immunotherapy in pediatric hemato-oncology
EHA Library, Peter Bader, 97276
Alpha-thalassemia syndromes - from clinical and molecular diagnosis to bedside management
EHA Library, Vip Viprakasit, 97379
Gastrointestinal graft-versus-host disease. From biomarkers to pathophysiology
EHA Library, James Ferrara, 97418
Downregulation of the clotting cascade by the protein C pathway
EHA Library, Laurent Mosnier, 97421
Biochemistry of red cell aging in vivo and storage lesions
EHA Library, Angelo D'Alessandro, 97424
Epstein-Barr virus-driven lymphomas - an update
EHA Library, Riccardo Dolcetti, 97427
The biology of T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia
EHA Library, Jan Cools, 97237
The challenges of incorporating novel biomarkers
EHA Library, Monique den Boer, 97238
Genetics guided therapeutic apporaches in acute myeloid leukemia
EHA Library, L Bullinger, 97241
Management of special situations in acute promyelocytic leukemia
EHA Library, Miguel Sanz, 97245
Immune tolerance induction - current status
EHA Library, Charlie Hay, 97247
Optimizing hematopoetic stem cell transplantation for bone marrow failure syndromes
EHA Library, Jakob R Passweg, 97250
Immune signaling in choronic lymphocytic leukemia
EHA Library, Freda Stevenson, 97253

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