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Author(s): ,
Ekaterina Chelysheva
Scientific and Advisory Department of Chemotherapy of myeloproliferative neoplasms,National Research Center for Hematology,Moscow,Russian Federation
Margarita Gurianova
Scientific and Advisory Department of Chemotherapy of myeloproliferative neoplasms,National Research Center for Hematology,Moscow,Russian Federation
Anna Petrova
Scientific and Advisory Department of Chemotherapy of myeloproliferative neoplasms,National Research Center for Hematology,Moscow,Russian Federation
Oleg Shukhov
Scientific and Advisory Department of Chemotherapy of myeloproliferative neoplasms,National Research Center for Hematology,Moscow,Russian Federation
Anastasia Bykova
Scientific and Advisory Department of Chemotherapy of myeloproliferative neoplasms,National Research Center for Hematology,Moscow,Russian Federation
Elza Lomaia
Scientific lab of clinical oncology and hematology,Almazov National medical research centre,St.Petersburg,Russian Federation
Julia Vlasova
BMT department for adults, R.M. Gorbacheva Institute of Pediatric Oncology Hematology and Transplantation, I.P.Pavlov First St. Petersburg State Medical University,St.Petersburg,Russian Federation
Irina Nemchenko
Scientific and Advisory Department of Chemotherapy of myeloproliferative neoplasms,National Research Center for Hematology,Moscow,Russian Federation
Nikolay Tsyba
Scientific and Advisory Department of Chemotherapy of myeloproliferative neoplasms,National Research Center for Hematology,Moscow,Russian Federation
Olga Gavrilina
National Research Center for Hematology,Moscow,Russian Federation
Kristina Zakurdaeva
RakFond,Moscow,Russian Federation
Anna Turkina
Scientific and Advisory Department of Chemotherapy of myeloproliferative neoplasms,National Research Center for Hematology,Moscow,Russian Federation
EHA Library. Chelysheva E. 06/09/21; 325434; EP674
Dr. Ekaterina Chelysheva
Dr. Ekaterina Chelysheva
Presentation during EHA2021: All e-poster presentations will be made available as of Friday, June 11, 2021 (09:00 CEST) and will be accessible for on-demand viewing until August 15, 2021 on the Virtual Congress platform.

Abstract: EP674

Type: E-Poster Presentation

Session title: Chronic myeloid leukemia - Clinical

Due to the challenge of COVID-19 pandemic the prognosis for patients (pts) with hematologic (hem) tumors, including chronic myeloid leukemia (CML), was difficult to make. With the data accumulation and vaccination start in early 2021, a view of the problem begins to change.

We aimed to describe the disease course of COVID-19, treatment and first vaccination data in pts with CML in Russian Federation.

A total of 113 CML pts were analyzed: 106 pts with lab-confirmed or suspected COVID-19 and 7 pts vaccinated against COVID-19. Registration of COVID-19 cases was done prospectively during in person or remote consultations from March 2020 till February 2021. The pts were participants of CHRONOS19, a nationwide observational cohort study of adult (≥18 y) pts with wide spectrum of hem diseases (NCT04422470). We performed a sub-analysis for CML and COVID-19 cohort with the data of 3 hem clinics regarding diagnostics, disease course, treatment and outcomes. Additionally, we evaluated the tolerability and first vaccination results in 7 CML pts (Sputnik V in civil vaccination).


Case registration corresponded to incidence in the country with clear 2 “waves”: 1st one in March-August (n=35) and 2nd starting from September 2020 (n=71) (fig1). COVID-19 was clinically and/or lab diagnosed and treated according to current national recommendations. CML was newly diagnosed during COVID-19 in 8(8%) pts, while 86(81%) were on treatment and 12(11%) were in treatment-free remission (TFR). One case was in pregnant pt. CML phases were chronic(CP)/accelerated/blast crisis in 95(89,6%), 6(5,4%) and 5(5%) pts respectively. Median (Me) age of pts was 52 years (range 22-75), 58(55%) were male. No CML therapy during COVID-19 was in 34 (32%) pts (interrupted or not started), therapy was held in 67 (63%), no data in 5 (5%). Disease course of COVID-19 was asymptomatic, mild, moderate and severe in 5 (5%), 59 (56%), 29(27%) and 13(12%) pts respectively. No therapy for COVID-19 was in 30 (28%) pts, symptomatic therapy (fever relief, anti-cough, decongestants, vitamins etc) - in 73 (69%) pts, antiviral drugs and antibiotics were used in 28 (26%) and 44 (42%) pts respectively. Anticoagulants, corticosteroids and IL-6 inhibitors were introduced mainly during 2nd wave while hydroxychloroquine was abandoned (fig.1). Hospitalization was in 33(31%) pts, oxygenation was applied in 12 (11%) pts. The outcomes were as follows: 101(95%) pts alive (98 recovered, 3 not yet), 4 (3,7%) pts died (2 due to COVID, 2 to CML progression), 1(1,3%) –no data. No COVID reinfection was detected so far. No factors connected with moderate/severe vs asymptomatic/mild COVID-19 were found when analyzing gender, CML phase, TFR, comorbidities, 1st and 2nd wave, except age>52 years (p=0,039). A trend of mild disease was in pts taking TKI vs without TKI (p=0,065).

Seven CP CML pts with Me age 63 years (range 50-70) were vaccinated against COVID-19 since December 2020: 2 had the 1st shot and 5 pts completed vaccination. All 7 pts tolerated the procedure well, with no adverse effects. One pt was checked for antibodies 21 days after the 2nd shot and revealed a high level of anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG with coefficient of positivity 6,2 (reference range 0-0,9).

The incidence, disease course and COVID-19 dependent mortality rates in CML pts seem to be similar to common population. Older age is a factor of moderate/severe disease course. The TKI impact on COVID-19 course and post-vaccination immunity in CML pts need to be studied.

Keyword(s): Chronic myeloid leukemia, COVID-19, Tyrosine kinase inhibitor

Presentation during EHA2021: All e-poster presentations will be made available as of Friday, June 11, 2021 (09:00 CEST) and will be accessible for on-demand viewing until August 15, 2021 on the Virtual Congress platform.

Abstract: EP674

Type: E-Poster Presentation

Session title: Chronic myeloid leukemia - Clinical

Due to the challenge of COVID-19 pandemic the prognosis for patients (pts) with hematologic (hem) tumors, including chronic myeloid leukemia (CML), was difficult to make. With the data accumulation and vaccination start in early 2021, a view of the problem begins to change.

We aimed to describe the disease course of COVID-19, treatment and first vaccination data in pts with CML in Russian Federation.

A total of 113 CML pts were analyzed: 106 pts with lab-confirmed or suspected COVID-19 and 7 pts vaccinated against COVID-19. Registration of COVID-19 cases was done prospectively during in person or remote consultations from March 2020 till February 2021. The pts were participants of CHRONOS19, a nationwide observational cohort study of adult (≥18 y) pts with wide spectrum of hem diseases (NCT04422470). We performed a sub-analysis for CML and COVID-19 cohort with the data of 3 hem clinics regarding diagnostics, disease course, treatment and outcomes. Additionally, we evaluated the tolerability and first vaccination results in 7 CML pts (Sputnik V in civil vaccination).


Case registration corresponded to incidence in the country with clear 2 “waves”: 1st one in March-August (n=35) and 2nd starting from September 2020 (n=71) (fig1). COVID-19 was clinically and/or lab diagnosed and treated according to current national recommendations. CML was newly diagnosed during COVID-19 in 8(8%) pts, while 86(81%) were on treatment and 12(11%) were in treatment-free remission (TFR). One case was in pregnant pt. CML phases were chronic(CP)/accelerated/blast crisis in 95(89,6%), 6(5,4%) and 5(5%) pts respectively. Median (Me) age of pts was 52 years (range 22-75), 58(55%) were male. No CML therapy during COVID-19 was in 34 (32%) pts (interrupted or not started), therapy was held in 67 (63%), no data in 5 (5%). Disease course of COVID-19 was asymptomatic, mild, moderate and severe in 5 (5%), 59 (56%), 29(27%) and 13(12%) pts respectively. No therapy for COVID-19 was in 30 (28%) pts, symptomatic therapy (fever relief, anti-cough, decongestants, vitamins etc) - in 73 (69%) pts, antiviral drugs and antibiotics were used in 28 (26%) and 44 (42%) pts respectively. Anticoagulants, corticosteroids and IL-6 inhibitors were introduced mainly during 2nd wave while hydroxychloroquine was abandoned (fig.1). Hospitalization was in 33(31%) pts, oxygenation was applied in 12 (11%) pts. The outcomes were as follows: 101(95%) pts alive (98 recovered, 3 not yet), 4 (3,7%) pts died (2 due to COVID, 2 to CML progression), 1(1,3%) –no data. No COVID reinfection was detected so far. No factors connected with moderate/severe vs asymptomatic/mild COVID-19 were found when analyzing gender, CML phase, TFR, comorbidities, 1st and 2nd wave, except age>52 years (p=0,039). A trend of mild disease was in pts taking TKI vs without TKI (p=0,065).

Seven CP CML pts with Me age 63 years (range 50-70) were vaccinated against COVID-19 since December 2020: 2 had the 1st shot and 5 pts completed vaccination. All 7 pts tolerated the procedure well, with no adverse effects. One pt was checked for antibodies 21 days after the 2nd shot and revealed a high level of anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG with coefficient of positivity 6,2 (reference range 0-0,9).

The incidence, disease course and COVID-19 dependent mortality rates in CML pts seem to be similar to common population. Older age is a factor of moderate/severe disease course. The TKI impact on COVID-19 course and post-vaccination immunity in CML pts need to be studied.

Keyword(s): Chronic myeloid leukemia, COVID-19, Tyrosine kinase inhibitor

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